The Story of ArtsAflame

Hello, fellow phyree fans!

I’m the summoner of the phyrees, and I’m happy to share my notes with you about where they come from and how I summon them.

I’ll start at the beginning. A long time ago, when I was just a normal kid, I was very scared that monsters might be living in my room. One night, I could hear scribbling and scrabbling coming from my closet. I pulled back the clothes hanging on my hangers, and found a portal spinning on the wall. Before I could even decide what to do, I found myself sucked through the portal into a strange world full of monsters and magic. It was there that I met many creatures from tiny little grape goblins to huge towering soft-horns. I had to go back to my bedroom, but at the strangest times, the portal would reappear. I learned as much as I could from my new friends on the other side of the portal, but sadly, I couldn’t find a way to bring anyone back to this world with me.

If there was one thing I knew, it was that all the little creatures I spent time with in the world of magic had made me feel a lot less afraid and a lot less lonely. I wanted to share that with everyone. There were so many creatures who were interested in making human friends, and so many people who wanted to be their friends. When I grew up, I dedicated myself to finding a way to make my own portals to visit them, and a way to summon creatures back with me. The result has been ArtsAflame - the magical art of using fire to summon phyrees.

I hope you’ll enjoy going on this journey with me as I try to uncover the mystery of the portals that appeared in the first place, and bring joy and happiness to as many people as I can by summoning phyrees for them.


Phyree Care